
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

SLJ - What we have learnt in cybersmart


With this activity we have to think about what we have been talking about in class on how to be cyber smart. 
We learned that you are not suppose to put personal information such as phone number,address,last name,where you work or your school,not to accept friend requests from people who you don't know on Facebook , Instagram etc. , not to give people your passwords or anything of that kind. Don't add people that you don't recognize. If someone you don't know messages you on any social media or text messages, do you think you should reply to it or leave it and tell and adult ? The answer is leave it and tell an adult, you never reply to someone you don't know without telling your parent/caregiver.

Here are five rules to follow while sharing pictures and or/ streaming videos online:
1. Be sure to put any personal photos on private settings.
2. Remember that any photo you post is online forever.
3. When you stream videos make sure you aren't following anyone you don't know.
4. Turn your accounts on private so when you post videos/photos etc, you don't get random people liking your posts.
5. Making sure you know who can see and only making sure people you know can see it, if your posting a video or photo with someone in it make sure you have their permission to post that.

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Chloe!

    My name is Mikey. I'm a member of the Summer Learning Journey team this year and I'll be commenting on some of your wonderful blog posts over the summer.

    I'm so pleased that you've learnt all about how to be cyber smart. It's so important that we follow guidelines, such as the ones you've shared, when we post things online. These are some really great tips, Chloe. I like that you've included general cyber smart rules as well as image/video specific ones.

    I do hope that you decided to participate in the Summer Learning Journey this year. I'd love to read more thoughtful posts like this one. Remember, the programme officially starts next Monday (December 16th) so be sure to check out the website then and have a go at some of the Week 1 activities. In the meantime, the teaser week activities are online now.

    Blog ya later!

    Mikey :)


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