
Friday, March 13, 2020

Business study's - New Zealand ingenuity

New Zealand ingenuity
In class today we had to write a small paragraph on how kiwi's ingenuity benefit New Zealand as a nation, I wrote a a small summery/paragraph so here it is :

Chloe’s paragraph : How does kiwi ingenuity benefit New Zealand as a nation ?

This benefits New Zealand because we are a wealthy country because of how kiwis make/improve new inventions. Therefore more people/tourists will want to come to New Zealand, when they start to buy things it earns New Zealand a lot more money then what it would without tourists coming into New Zealand. We as kiwis are coming up with more new inventions to lure more people in/ let others see how New Zealand's ingenuity is and make them want to see New Zealand. Others can see how wealthy New Zealand is.

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