
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Testing for nutrients

                                        Testing food 

Aim: What nutrients are present in different food.

Hypothesis: We are testing for simple sugar which is carbohydrates the gives you sugar/ energy fast. Complex sugars - Also give you energy that last for longer .
Protein - Long lasting energy and sugar.

Bread - I think bread will be simple sugar. .
Egg - I think egg will be protein. 
Glucose - I think this will be simple sugar.
Apple - I think this will be simple sugar. 
Milk - I think this will be complex sugar. 
Potato -  I think this will be complex sugar.

( Complex Test )

Aim: To test if foods have complex sugars.

Hypo: The potato will be positive.

1. Place about 2 ml of the sample in a test tube.
2.Add 3-5 drops of iodine and mix

Equipment: Test tube, Food sample, iodine solution.

Results: Potato- negative
Apple- Positive
Bread- Positive
egg- negative
Observation: Some food changed color to black, Apple and bread were the only ones that tested positive.

Conclusion/Discussion: I guessed that that the potato will be positive, I was incorrect. Apple and bread were the only ones to test positive for complex sugar.

( Simple Test)

Aim: To test a sample of food to determine whether it contains simple sugar.

Hypo :
The egg will change color.

Equipment: Test Tubes, Benedict's solution, a sample of food.

Step 1- Place about 2 ml of the sample into a test tube and then add 5 drops of benedict's solution.
Step 2-Put in a water bath until it changes color. Do not boil.


Apple- Positive

Conclusion/Discussion : I guessed the egg would change color, I was incorrect. Milk was the only one to test negative for simple sugars.

( Testing for protein )

Aim: To test if a sample of food contains protein.

Hypo: The milk will turn purple.

Equipment: Test tube, Sodium hydroxide (haOH), Copper sulfate (coSO), Food sample.

Step 1- Place about 2 ml of the sample into a test tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide.
Step 2- Add 5 drops of copper sulfate.
Step 3-Shake the test tube gently side to side.



Conclusion/Disscussion : I guessed that the milk will turn purple, I was correct. Milk and egg were the only ones to to test positive for protein.

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