
Friday, May 25, 2018

Piggy Sue

                                   My opinion on piggy sue

My opinion is - He found a little piggy called sue.

He tried to find its owner.
He relized that when he found the owner she was a pig famer.
He felt guilty so he kept the pig then gave the lady a box.

I think animals should live a happy long life not be eaten because they have as much to live for as humans do,it's not fair on the animals who die for our food.

I also think that it is fair from the pigs point on view but from the driver did steal the pig so she (the pig famer) dose have rights to call the police.

Here is a video of piggy sue Click here

I hope you enjoyed and see my point of view from both sides bye bye

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Boarder patrol

  Hello everybody through out these last 2 weeks sharney my bestfriend and I have been reading a                    text about boarder patrol.

We had dicided to do a slide with answers about          what we had to read we found out lots of                      information so here is out slide.

So this was our slide hope you liked it bye bye