This week in business study's we are looking at money and why it is an advantage and what are the disadvantages of having money, I did a t-chart here it is :
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Workshop 3 - Lighting and color
Atmosphere - How you feel in a situation, mood.
1. Scene - Auggie's first day at school - when Auggie walks into the class room everybody stares at him. When he asks to sit down Amos says the seat is saved.
Angles - Long shot/eye level, close up to Auggie to see his emotional reactions.
Lighting + color -
Pallet - Colors used in the picture/scene e.g nature pallet.
Has colors form nature - brown and green. Warm/Cold - Warm makes you feel safe and comfortable and Cold colors make you feel clean and sterile.
Bright - Vibrant, jumps out
Dull - Blends in, faded, muted
Natural - Sun/moon light.
Artificial - Man made light.
Lighting and color- Warm - makes the class room feel safe and welcoming.
- Bright colors - Gives the room energy and life.
- Naturally light coming through the window/blinds.
Effect on the viewer - Happy, Chilled, Exciting, Educational, Inspiring.
Director - Wants to create a happy and safe atmosphere in Mr Browns classroom. Even though it feels this way, Julian and Amos's behavior is unkind.
Sexxxy paragraph -
In the scene of August's first day at school, lighting and color are used to create a safe and welcoming class room environment. For instants, bright warm colors are used on the walls and natural light comes through the windows to make the space look lively. This makes the audience feel excited, inspired, and that the space is educational and supportive for learning. This was done to show Mr brown had created a class room that would be welcoming space that would be welcoming to new students like Auggie. Coinciding with this is the use of body language. The children in the room are sitting up, smiling and paying lots of attention; they are learning ready. This reminds the viewer of the theme kindness because the lighting and color make the room welcoming for all students.
Inside out 2020,
This weeks goal - English
This weeks goal :Catch up on work I miss or fall behind on in my own time.
How can I achieve this : I can achieve this by finishing work that needs to done at home.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Business study's - New Zealand ingenuity
New Zealand ingenuity
In class today we had to write a small paragraph on how kiwi's ingenuity benefit New Zealand as a nation, I wrote a a small summery/paragraph so here it is :
Chloe’s paragraph : How does kiwi ingenuity benefit New Zealand as a nation ?
This benefits New Zealand because we are a wealthy country because of how kiwis make/improve new inventions. Therefore more people/tourists will want to come to New Zealand, when they start to buy things it earns New Zealand a lot more money then what it would without tourists coming into New Zealand. We as kiwis are coming up with more new inventions to lure more people in/ let others see how New Zealand's ingenuity is and make them want to see New Zealand. Others can see how wealthy New Zealand is.
Business study's,
term 1
This weeks work - English
Sexxxy paragraphs :
What am I learning ?
I am learning to identify the purpose of camera angles, movements and shots.
How does this work show my learning ?
This shows my learning because I have explained the shots and how they have been used effectively, also what was demonstrated in the scenes.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning ?
I am wondering if there will be a second movie explaining the aftermath of the movie. I am wondering what other shots were explored to use during filming this movie.
Insideout 2020,
term 1,
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Business study's
What product you are trying to improve : In my group the idea we came up with has to do with sanitary products, making them free for women.
Why you wanted to improve it : Our group wanted to improve this because women cannot stop their period and they can't change it, they didn't chose to have it. Another reason is how is a homeless women suppose to be expected to buy products they cannot afford.
What would the changes allow for : This would allow women to get products for free and save a lot of money with not having to buy something they shouldn't have to buy a product for something they cannot chose to have.
We want these Items to be free for all women:

Why you wanted to improve it : Our group wanted to improve this because women cannot stop their period and they can't change it, they didn't chose to have it. Another reason is how is a homeless women suppose to be expected to buy products they cannot afford.
What would the changes allow for : This would allow women to get products for free and save a lot of money with not having to buy something they shouldn't have to buy a product for something they cannot chose to have.
We want these Items to be free for all women:
Business study's,
term 1
Workshop 2
Fight - Jack fighting Julian because Julian called Auggie a freak. Jack didn't like what Julian was saying about Auggie.
- Teacher ( Mr brown ) pulling Jack off- Dutch tilt used
- To make someone look bigger or smaller than someone else
- Low angle - Julian looks week & vulnerable.
Viewer feels - Shocked - Didn't expect jacks reaction, Surprised, Concerned, Uneasy, On edge.
Director - Surprised, Sad, Worried for Jack, Anxious, Nervous, Shocked.
Other Techniques - Music - creates atmosphere, Minor.
Slow motion - music more intense.
Sexxxy paragraph :
In the film wonder, low angle shots were used effectively. This is demonstrated in the scene where Jack attacked Julian because he called Auggie a freak. In this scene a low angle dutch tilt shot is used to make Jack look stronger and make Julian look weak and vulnerable. This makes the audience feel shocked, surprised, worried, anxious, nervous, because we didn't expect a violent reaction from Jack, who has not shown aggressiveness before this point. The purpose of this was to show the theme of kindness as Jack finally stands up for Auggie when Julian says something rude and unkind about Auggie. Combined with this is the use of quite, minor music and slow motion is used to create an atmosphere and make the event feel more intense. This can be contrasted to the nature reserve fight scene where Auggie now shows kindness by standing up for Jack.
B - Fight scene - nature reserve - Auggie makes friends, high 5 - no plague Jack, Anons & other's. They bet up & ran away from 7th graders.
- Wide angle, Long shot - Makes up feel like we are a bystander watching an important moment for someone else, the emotions are the characters not ours.
Audience - Joyful, Proud, Cheerful, Ecstatic, Relieved - Auggie is finally included and has friends.
Director - It shows how Auggie is finally fitting in, shows there important of friendship or kindness.
Other Technics - Lighting - use of shadow - silhouette outlining the boys, feels like they are all in it together.
Inside out 2020,
term 1,
workshop 2
Monday, March 9, 2020
Hurumanu Sports - Goal
Sport hurumanu:
Goal: My goal for term one athletics is for me to learn better technique while doing high jump.
Goal: My goal for term one athletics is for me to learn better technique while doing high jump.
2020 sport,
Wonder quotes
In English this week we have been looking at some of the quotes and inspirational things characters have said during the movie wonder. We have been looking at the film for the past few weeks. I am really enjoying it. I have written down 10 quotes I heard during watching wonder:
Term 1 2020,
Wonder quotes
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Inventions - Business studys
Most useful to new Zealanders :
What is it? Spreadable butter
What is it? Spreadable butter
Why is it an example of ingenuity?
So you can spread butter easily and it not to be hard. It is a lot easier to spread if it isn't rock solid. People do and use to use butter so this would be very helpful.
Least useful to New Zealanders :
What is it? A scoot board
Why is it an example of ingenuity?
An easier way to skate board but not useful majority of the time. I think if someone really did wanna learn how to skate this would be helpful but most likely not ever needed.
Two things that would inspire people from overseas :
What is it?
A bike and lawn mower together
Why is it an example of ingenuity?
Because its a new invention
What is it?
Mountain buggy
Why is it an example of ingenuity?
Because now a mother doesn't have to carry her baby everywhere.
Business study's,
term 1
Workshop 1
Kindness : Respecting others, Look after each other, Speak nicely, Include others. "When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind" - Summer
Example 1- When Summer sits with august instead of her friends . This shows the theme of kindness because Summer left the kids who were saying mean things to go and sit with August who looked lonely. Kindness is important to the story overall because without it Auggie will not build confidence, make friends and feel accepted.
Example 2- Auggie shows kindness when he shares his test answers with Jack. This shows it links to the theme because Auggie sees someone in need and needing help, Jack isn't even his friend yet, but helps him anyway. This is important because it is the first step to enabling Auggie to make friends being kind starts this friendship that will be important in the film.
Importance of family & friends : Through these relationships Auggie and others learn the values of trust and self confidence. They are less alone.
Example 1- The scene where Miranda talks about spending Christmas with the Pullmans.
- links to theme - Miranda is happy and included by the Pullmans.
- She is ignored/forgotten at home.
- She realizes that she missed having Friends/Family.
- Important because makes Miranda recognize what she lost/misses and she makes an effort to reconnect with Via and the Pullmans.
Example 2: The boys come to rescue Jack and Auggie.
- Auggie is included, has friends and is feeling trust & self confident.
- Ultimate example of acceptance & friendship, his classmates had his back without him asking first time they treat him as an equal.
Being kind vs being popular : Doing the right thing even when
your friends don't, others pressure you.
Example 1: Julian. Picks on Auggie in front of others, Auggie is an easy target because he doesn't do anything about it and he just sits there and deals with it , it makes Julian look popular when the others laugh.
- Julian chooses to be popular at the expense of others, chooses
to bully Auggie to seem popular.
- Important because it shows choosing popular has negative outcomes. Julian eventually loses his friends, leaves school and is unhappy. However Jack, who choose kind, has lots of friends, is happy and doesn't get kicked out for bullying.
Example 1- When Summer sits with august instead of her friends . This shows the theme of kindness because Summer left the kids who were saying mean things to go and sit with August who looked lonely. Kindness is important to the story overall because without it Auggie will not build confidence, make friends and feel accepted.
Example 2- Auggie shows kindness when he shares his test answers with Jack. This shows it links to the theme because Auggie sees someone in need and needing help, Jack isn't even his friend yet, but helps him anyway. This is important because it is the first step to enabling Auggie to make friends being kind starts this friendship that will be important in the film.
Importance of family & friends : Through these relationships Auggie and others learn the values of trust and self confidence. They are less alone.
Example 1- The scene where Miranda talks about spending Christmas with the Pullmans.
- links to theme - Miranda is happy and included by the Pullmans.
- She is ignored/forgotten at home.
- She realizes that she missed having Friends/Family.
- Important because makes Miranda recognize what she lost/misses and she makes an effort to reconnect with Via and the Pullmans.
Example 2: The boys come to rescue Jack and Auggie.
- Auggie is included, has friends and is feeling trust & self confident.
- Ultimate example of acceptance & friendship, his classmates had his back without him asking first time they treat him as an equal.
Being kind vs being popular : Doing the right thing even when
your friends don't, others pressure you.
Example 1: Julian. Picks on Auggie in front of others, Auggie is an easy target because he doesn't do anything about it and he just sits there and deals with it , it makes Julian look popular when the others laugh.
- Julian chooses to be popular at the expense of others, chooses
to bully Auggie to seem popular.
- Important because it shows choosing popular has negative outcomes. Julian eventually loses his friends, leaves school and is unhappy. However Jack, who choose kind, has lots of friends, is happy and doesn't get kicked out for bullying.
Inside out 2020,
Monday, March 2, 2020
PE Hurumanu: Athletics scores
Year 9 Hurumanu Site:
Year 9 :
Hurumanu 1 - Sustainability - Maths/Social science
Hurumanu 2 - Inside and out - English/Science
Hurumanu 3 - Chemicals and Chaos - Science/Social studies
Hurumanu 4 - Money money money - Maths/English
Hurumanu 5 - Making waves - Maths/Science
Hurumanu 6 -Power to the people - English/Social Studies
Hurumanu 7 -Sport - PE
Hurumanu 8 - Akomanga Hauroa - Health
Year 9 :
Hurumanu 1 - Sustainability - Maths/Social science
Hurumanu 2 - Inside and out - English/Science
Hurumanu 3 - Chemicals and Chaos - Science/Social studies
Hurumanu 4 - Money money money - Maths/English
Hurumanu 5 - Making waves - Maths/Science
Hurumanu 6 -Power to the people - English/Social Studies
Hurumanu 7 -Sport - PE
Hurumanu 8 - Akomanga Hauroa - Health
Shot put
| 6 meters |
| 8 meters |
High jump
| 95 centermeteres |
Long jump
| 1.8 meters |
100m sprints
| 19 seconds |
| 3 minutes 01 |
2020 sport,
Hurumanu 7,
term 1
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