
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Business study's

What product you are trying to improve : In my group the idea we came up with has to do with sanitary products, making them free for women.

Why you wanted to improve it : Our group wanted to improve this because women cannot stop their period and they can't change it, they didn't chose to have it. Another reason is how is a homeless women suppose to be expected to buy products they cannot afford.

What would the changes allow for : This would allow women to get products for free and save a lot of money with not having to buy something they shouldn't have to buy a product for something they cannot chose to have.

We want these Items to be free for all women:
Image result for padImage result for tampon

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Chloe, Well done for taking a stand on such an essential item for women and also for considering the needs of those people who cannot afford to purchase them. I wonder how these could be produced and provided for free for those who need them? They also contain a lot of plastic, I also wonder if there are more sustainable products that could be used in the manufacturing process.


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