
Thursday, May 28, 2020

P.E - Blog post for the week

Tuesday: This week in p.e we chose what sport/activity's we wanted to do for that week. On Tuesday we did table tennis, juggling. In table tennis we practiced hitting the ball against the wall to get the flow of it. For juggling we 'tried' to juggle but it wasn't easy to do, for me anyway. It took quite a while for me to even do one round of juggling. I liked the table tennis the best but it was good to give juggling a go.

Wednesday: On Wednesday we chose again what activity's/sport we wanted to do. My friends and i chose just dance. We were going to do zumba but decided not to and just to do just dance. It was really fun, we hooked it up tot he big TV in the new gym. There was like 10 of us in there. I liked dancing and its actually a really good workout because you move so much.

Jacinda Ardern - Biography

This week we have focused on a New Zealand who has help New Zealand become who we are as a country today. As you can see I have picked Jacinda Ardern. She is the prime minister of New Zealand so I thought she is a big impact of New Zealand that is why I chose her. Enjoy some facts you may not have knew about her :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Word cloud

I felt bored during this lock down event when there was nothing to do.

I felt nervous when I heard about returning to school because I liked working from home but also because I was seeing so many people.

Today I feel tired about being here at school because I couldn’t sleep until really late last night, and then had to wake up really early this morning.

Lock down word art

Word explanations :

Happy - Something that made me happy was being able to stay in bed for longer every morning.
Hungry - Something that made me feel hungry was how bored I was, or macaroni cheese.
Calm - Something that made me feel calm was knowing I don't have to wake up at 7am.
Excited - Something that made me excited was eating or once again being able to stay in bed for longer.
Tired -  Something that made me feel tired was running after my 2 year old brother.