
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

100 word challenge

                              The tea cup

Today we did a challenge that involved writing the exact amount of words given (100).Today the picture we wrote about was ...
I decided mine was going to be about giants living underground and one called billy chicken breath tried to escape.
Here my writing is:
Giant tea cup
Once upon a time 101 years ago there lived giants that walked upon the land.They lived underground for so long they started to get frustrated and fight till the it was dinner then they all sat down like nothing happened but one day billy chicken breath got so mad he tried to dig he got to the top half of the tea cup was out in sight but little did he know it was going to get STUCK oh no he started to panic more “let me out of here” until next time  ...

 I think this was really fun but it was very hard having to have an exact amount.

I would defiantly like to do this again maybe 200 words next time.
Overall I think I did alright next time I would like to have more words.

Blog you later

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


                            My brochure

This is the type of activitys I like doing they are fun and interesting next time i would like to learn about world war 1 and 2.

Roles and responsibilities

                    Roles and responsibilities

What is a role?
A role is something you take part in and is your own spacific job that you are assigned and trusted to do.ECT.
I am a student at Hornby high school my role is to be an amazing student not only that but to put my rubbish in the bins show the carr (commitment,achivment,responsibility,respect)values.

What is a responsibility?
It is what comes together in one and it puts it together like I'm a student I come to learn.ECT.
I come to school every single day to learn .

I think this activity was ok next time I would like to do something not digital and as a class.



This was very fun but it was also a great challenge to think of my community's.Next time I would like to do something like this just not digital.



What is Psychology?