Intro : Close up, space man jumps into the shot in slow motion shot to give the feel we are in space.
Intro: Symbol of the astronaut helmet, covers his face, represents the barrier august puts between himself and the world.
Music: Inspirational, Happy, suddenly changes to up beat from slow, magical, talking on a radio through the space helmet to make it sound like people talking form earth to space, violin, high pitched, starts quite, quite slow tempo & dynamics increase to build the energy in the scene.
Music in Halloween : In the Halloween scene there was upbeat music and lots of energy. Now its sad and not upbeat music after he hears what he hears what jack will has to say about his being made to be his buddy and that auggie just follows him , when auggie really thought they were friends.
Tracking shot : As we move away and move out towards the real world it is now a boy in a helmet jumping on his bed using his imagination about being in space and being an astronaut.
* "its like taking a lamp to the Slater" *
* "when being given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind"*
Point of view shot: August's point of view from the cupboard while his parents are talking about him going to school.
2 minutes : Intro, building suspense as we still haven't seen what he looks like, we don't know whats wrong but the movie has already given heaps of clues that something isn't right, hospital scene, helmet, tags, school, convo,, auggies, dialogue in the voice over.
August meets the principle and the kids : He meets Mr Tush man and some of the other kids for the very first time, he knows kids aren't good at hiding what the think when they look at him, He says he can tell what people are like by there shoes, he finds out the one of the boys are very rude. The girl talks a lot and is trying to make conversion with august. Once the first boy says something very rude while august not talking the other boy steps in for him because he doesn't wanna be rude to august.
Body language: August is slouched at the start, looking tot he ground not making contact then he stands up and talks to Julian for being rude and proves himself right .
The other boy is happy for him standing up for himself.
The girl just stands there and is being quite while auggie is talking.
Julian stand corrected.
First day at school: August gets a lot of stares when he walks because his dad took his helmet which made him feel better, he is looking at the ground making himself small, he imagines him in his own world to make himself feel better about being where he is at that time, he says he really likes Halloween. This is now at class the teacher makes a few people talk a little bit about themselves, auggie had a chance to say something although he didn't want to auggie had the guts to stand up and say something but ended up saying 3 things and sits back down, he says about his sister his dog and start wars. Julian then makes a rude comment about his rats tail which has to do with star wars. At lunch he sat by himself. In science people find out auggie is really good at science and Julian feel surprised as he made a joke about auggie not begin able to do science.
After the first day at school: He gets to the gate and puts the helmet back on, he goes into vias room and cuts the braid off via is then very confused if someone has said something, they are sitting at the table with his helmet on not eating and just hiding. auggies mum aske's how the first day went and he replayed with good, his dad then keeps bugging him about how and what okay means.
Seen: Auggie em-brasses himself with the padawan braid. This has to do with star wars and his favorite character.
Stars wars: Light saver fights between his dad and him, he likes chew bacca because he isn't normal. a symbol of auggie wanting people to treat him the same as other people - a safe in the stars wars universe there are lots of people so no one stares at them.
Halloween scene : He goes to school as ghost face and is walking around loud and pround with stide he likes to interacts . Then at school auggie sees his friend who is talking with popular mean kids and he find out that jack will is saying very mean and rude things about auggies face and that he would kill himself if he looked like auggie. He stands there for a a while just listning to what the bullies had to say. He
Why is this scene important : It is important to show that auggie is confident oh Halloween because it doesn't matter what you look like to other people. No one thinks he is contagious
Symbol : Halloween mask - Physical barrier between other and auggie. Star wars charecter darth sidiious used by Julian to change auggies safe place into not safe and to make fun of auggie.
Significant : We see auggie lose faith in the idea of friendship - If jack can be that mean behind his back how can he trust others. shows the theme of popularity / acceptance. Jack has learnt from his mistakes & is standing up for his friend. Augie has grown as a character and is now willing to stand up for himself. Friends ship - Auggie finally feels acceptance hide behind a mask anymore.
Links to the theme : Popularity & Acceptance. We see jack as he says what he knows julian wants to hear because he doesn't want julian to make fun of him and make him the one bullied for hanging out with auggie. Jack doesn't wanna be bullied for hanging out with
Jacks fight scene : they got told they had to do a science project and that it was going to be with your table mate, julain askes to work will jack will but instead jack says no Ill stay with auggie, because he knows that he need to fix things with auggie , even tho he doesnt know the auggie wa the one with ghost face. Julian walks up to jack will in the haul and says what did you do that for, and jack said because I dont wanna go with you and turns around so his back is facing julian, Julian then says why would you wanna work with that freak. Jack punched Julian for calling auggie a freak and they got in a massive hands on fight and jack knows what he did was wrong but thinks he deserved it because he knows that jack wants to be friends with auggie. he realises that that he really does wanna be friends with auggie. Even tho he knew he got suspended and could possibly loose his scolarship.
Sounds and diagentic : Low angle shot as boys hit the ground, this makes the fight seem more dangerouse and more intense moves to the close up of the stuggle. Dutch tilt
7 low angle jack look more aggressive & violent.
Camp : They are sitting down about to watch the wizard of oz, then jack says come on lets go outside we can watch this movie anytime, they walk aorund through the woods and jack says he needs to pee, they are just go and these mean big kids show up and make fun of them but mostly auggie, jack hits the kid and the big kid pushes his over. Auggie then stands up for jack and himeself, he puts his little fists up and he gets pushed too. The friends of Julian who were mean't to be the bullies stood up for auggie and jack, then as they are getting hit and kicked auggie and jack ran back as fast as they could go.
Music : Minor and sad , quite dynamic - creates focas more intense, Slow tempo, the principle replying to what jack will had to say along with a sad slow sound running behind it.
1st narrator (Auggie) : He is telling us about his life and what it is like in his life, not being an ordinary kid and not looking what normal is classed to be, he tells us he does normal things like a child, he also tells us how many surgeries he has been in to get where he is today with his face and what he looks like.
2nd narrator (Via) :
3rd narrator (Jack) :
4th narrator (Miranda) :
5th narrator (Auggie) :