
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Growing a plant.

                                      Growing a plant.

Today in Rimu we are growing a plant to take home in the holidays.I think willfiv be really fun because we have veggies and I love veggies.I'm so exsited.I'm not sure I will be able to look after it but ill try my hardest.
Here it is.
If you don't know I'm growing lettuce and I named my plant lettuce it is a good name right haha.
it is in a small pot because it will take 2 to 15 day befor the roots are strong and then we can plant it in out garden I think this exsperiment is really fun even tho we only planted it yesterday well I hope you liked it bye.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chloe Hannah here!
    I love you name and yes it is a good name,
    I reminds me of my chilli Spicy Taco!
    Maybe next time you could write what the tag says, the tags says things on the back as I am guessing you will know.
    Blog you later!


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